Featured Artist: Ben Simpson

With the federal election pending, GlobalGFX was tasked with cutting out head shots of the candidates to appear on our show, Decision Canada. What did this mean?

For several weeks, our team isolated a massive 1,442 head shots! For each final image, our template required the following: 1) the candidate’s head appear in a designated spot and 2) both shoulders make a full appearance (they could not be cropped on the sides).

The images we received of the candidates came in different shapes and sizes. Sometimes this meant our team needed to “paint” in shoulders and give “haircuts” to candidates. Sometimes the candidates’ images were presented on detailed backgrounds, and this meant that our team had a larger challenge ahead of us.

Before and after: the work our team does for each head shot

Before and after: the work our team does for each head shot

Of our team, Ben Simpson cut out the most images — a whopping 395 headshots! That’s 27% of the entire bunch. To thank him for helping us with this rigorous task, we presented him with an award. Congratulations, Ben!

Bonus round!

Ben made this lovely infographic about the schedule regarding our beloved Blue Jays in the ALCS. Go Jays go!


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