Michael Churchill Michael Churchill

Alberta Referendum Results

Mike Lapalme breaks down the voting results which show nearly 62% of Albertans supporting the change.

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Michael Churchill Michael Churchill

Fort McMurray Damage

It was described as “The Beast” and now we know the damage caused by Fort McMurray’s wildfires.

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Michael Churchill Michael Churchill

Budget Balloon

On April 14th, 2016 the Alberta NDP tabled their budget. The level of debt that the province will be taking on hasn’t been seen since 1987.

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Michael Churchill Michael Churchill

Glacial Recession

Researchers believe the Athabasca Glacier is melting faster than it ever has; shrinking 10 metres in length every year and losing two metres in depth on its edges and at least a metre in its centre. Now, scientists believe it could be gone within a middle-aged person’s lifetime. Cody Coates’ animation examines the facts regarding the ongoing recession.

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