Michael Churchill Michael Churchill

Greater Toronto Day Promo

The first annual Greater Toronto Day happened on May 26. Global News encouraged everyone in the GTA to do a good deed, and then share it on social media with the hashtag #GreaterTorontoDay. For example, the small act of kindness could be as simple as giving up your seat on the TTC, or picking up garbage in a park. Essentially, the goal was to help make the GTA an even better place to live. Leo Kavanagh and Andrew Miller created this promo, which aired weeks leading up to the event.

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Michael Churchill Michael Churchill

Greater Toronto campaign

“Global News believes in a greater Toronto” is the fall image campaign to promote the The News Hour with Leslie Roberts. These digital signage promos are part the campaign and will be displayed at various locations including Cineplex Odeon movie theatres, Royal Bank Plaza, Richmond Adelaide Centre and Union Station.

Design and animation: Andrew Miller

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