The West Block Michael Churchill The West Block Michael Churchill


The rich are getting richer. According to Oxfam International, the richest 1% of the population will own more than half the world’s wealth by 2016.

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The West Block Michael Churchill The West Block Michael Churchill

Fortress North America

“Fortress North America” is a concept from the Second World War and Cold War, a term used when imagining how the two countries might operate if the rest of the world succumbed to communism.

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The West Block Michael Churchill The West Block Michael Churchill

Recharging The West Block

For the new season of The West Block, GlobalGFX has teamed up with the folks in Ottawa to bring you, our faithful viewers, some insightful and beautiful animations. Christmas came early—we received a package in the mail, and we were gifted with many portable chargers for mobile devices.

To Jennifer Madigan and The West Block team: thank you for the chargers! In the short time we’ve known you, it’s been a pleasure working with you We enjoy building the primers every week and we strive to create even stronger value added content for The West Block. We look forward to building a relationship with you and your team.

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The West Block Michael Churchill The West Block Michael Churchill

New Season

One of our newest members of GlobalGFX, Chris MacDougall, designed and animated this primer for Season 5 of The West Block. The animation also lives here on

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