Michael Churchill Michael Churchill

Winter Maintenance Budget

Aside from a few short-lived weather events, Toronto’s winter has so far been sorely lacking in the snow department, eating up just 7% of the city’s winter maintenance budget over the usually precipitation-rich January — but don’t expect to see officials directing unspent money elsewhere.

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Michael Churchill Michael Churchill

Holiday Spending Poll

The high cost of living is dampening the holiday joy for many Canadians as they plan to cut spending on gifts and travel over the winter break, polling shows.

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The New Reality Michael Churchill The New Reality Michael Churchill

Community Land Trusts

Conversations about how to fix Canada's housing crisis often focus on one idea: the accelerated building of more affordable units.

But, in the absence of a coordinated response to housing shortages and rising rents, communities — big and small — are taking matters into their own hands. Local organizers have created Community Land Trusts (CLTs), non-profits that buy up land within a given neighbourhood and keep it affordable and accessible for everyone in the community — indefinitely.

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Michael Churchill Michael Churchill

Credit Card Debt

Equifax Canada says credit card balances hit an all-time high of $107.4 billion in the second quarter of 2023, in a sign financial stress continued to build in the face of inflation and rising interest rates.

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Michael Churchill Michael Churchill

EV Anxiety

Half of those who don’t own an electric vehicle in B.C. are still worried about taking a road trip in one, unsure whether charging stations would be available on their route or at their final stop, according to new research from BC Hydro.

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Michael Churchill Michael Churchill


Carbon dioxide (Co2) is a naturally occurring greenhouse gas and is essential for life on Earth to function normally. However, humans are emitting it on an industrial scale, like through the burning of fossil fuels, which is contributing to global warming.

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Michael Churchill Michael Churchill


As stigmas around psychedelics like psilocybin – the active ingredient in magic mushrooms – are torn down, there’s a corresponding push among scientists to expand our understanding of how they work and the role they could play in improving our health and well-being.

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Michael Churchill Michael Churchill

Titanic sub wreckage found

A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) discovered a debris field within its search area near the Titanic. The ROV found five pieces of debris which led them to conclude they had found the remains of the Titan.

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Michael Churchill Michael Churchill

Sonar Buoys

Finding the missing "Titan" submersible has been compared to searching for a needle in a haystack, which is actually the Atlantic Ocean.

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